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Melksham rail station

Melksham rail station

Melksham rail station

Wiltshire Council, Network Rail and Great Western Railway (formerly First Great Western) have been working together to improve Melksham rail station. The following measures have been completed:

  • Using road markings, a safe route for pedestrians and cyclists has been marked along the access road and across the old station forecourt to the platform.
  • A new enlarged and improved modern shelter
  • Signage improvements
  • New covered Cycle shelter installed
  • Station CCTV installed

Further improvements are currently being made:

  • Provision of additional car parking spaces for rail users is under construction
  • Widening of the footway on the A365 to improve access for cyclists
  • Junction treatment to raise awareness of station access
  • The refurbishment of the underpass is currently underway
  • A self-service ticket machine (card payments only; tickets can be  bought with cash on the train)
  • Signage improvements