Rights of way
Public Rights of Way are paths and tracks which anyone can use to cross private land. You have a legal right to use them at any time of the day or night, all year round.
Did you know?
There are some 4,000 miles (6,000 km) of Public Rights of Way in Wiltshire that anyone can use.
All Rights of Way should be marked by a signpost or waymark where they leave a surfaced road, and also generally at regular intervals along the route. It is a good idea to take an Ordnance Survey map if you do not know the area.
Footpath – a highway where you have a Right of Way
- on foot only
Bridleway – a highway where you have a Right of Way
- on foot
- on any pedal cycle
- on horseback
Restricted byway – a highway where you have a Right of Way
- on a horse drawn vehicle, for example horse and cart
- on foot
- on any pedal cycle
- on horseback
Byway Open to All Traffic (BOAT) – a highway where you have a Right of Way
- on a horse drawn vehicle, for example a horse and cart
- on foot
- on any pedal cycle
- on horseback
- on wheeled vehicles of any kind, including cars and motorbikes
Note that the surface of this type of byway does not have to be of a standard that ordinary cars can drive over it.
For more information please see our main Rights of Way web pages