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Report a problem

Report a problem Getting around on the road

Report a problem

You can report faults and problems through the Wiltshire Council website and My Wiltshire app, including problems with car parks and bus shelters. Please use Wiltshire council’s highways reporting form to report:

  • a problem with a street light
  • a problem with a traffic light
  • a problem with bollard or sign lights
  • a damaged or obstructed road
  • a damaged or obstructed pavement
  • a problem with a right of way, footpath, bridleway or byway
  • a problem with a street or traffic sign
  • a problem with a pedestrian crossing
  • a problem with a bus shelter
  • a problem with a car park
  • road flooding
  • road spillages
  • a problem with current roadworks
  • a problem with salting or salt bins

Please note that highway maintenance issues on the the A36, the A303 and the M4 can be reported using the link above, but will be forwarded to the Highways England. You can contact Highways England directly by email or by phone 0300 123 5000 Please report the following streetcare and cleaning issues to Wiltshire Council 

  • fly posting
  • fly tipping
  • graffiti
  • dog fouling
  • street litter
  • a problem with a play area
  • a dead animal on public land
  • a full or damaged public litter bin
  • a street that needs sweeping
  • overgrown grass, hedges, trees or invasive weeds
  • a problem with public toilets
  • needles and syringes found on council land

Please note that issues on the Highways Agency Roads (the A36, the A303 and the M4) can be reported using the link above and will be dealt with by Wiltshire Council. If your issue does not fit into one of these categories, please report it to the Area Boards using this Community Issues form. If you would like to be more involved in volunteer initiatives such as Community Speedwatch or improvements to local facilities please contact the Area Boards using their general contact form.