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Personalised travel planning

Personalised travel planning Find your way around Wiltshire

Personalised travel planning

The Connecting Wiltshire advisor teams have now completed their door-to-door travel advice service.

Connecting Wiltshire employed consultants WSP to lead a team of specially trained travel advisors to assess your travel needs and advise you on the choices available for your journeys. There are so many travel options available in Wiltshire! We visited households to discuss your individual journeys, enabling us to provide you with personalised options and information.

Currently we are in the process of evaluating the work undertaken this summer. If you receive a questionnaire via email or post, please complete it and you will be entered into a prize draw to say “thank you”.

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What is personal travel planning (PTP)?

Personal travel planning is a technique people use to consider their travel habits and choices. Within the UK, PTP programmes have been seen to reduce car driver trips typically by around 11% and reduced the distance travelled by car by 12%.

What is this project trying to achieve?

The project aims to help people understand their travel choices and offers a range of benefits for individuals and our community:

  • Reduced congestion and reduce car use
  • Individual health improvements through increased walking and cycling
  • Greater use of public transport
  • Better air quality and reduce traffic noise
  • More use of local services by residents
  • Support sustainable economic growth by reducing peak hour congestion
  • Encourage more walking, cycling and travel by public transport
  • Encourage more active lifestyles to address health and well-being issues
  • Promote environmentally responsible travel choices and carbon reduction by helping reduce individual carbon footprints

Why were  you knocking on my door?

Personal travel planning is about speaking with individuals. Travel advisors talked to many of you directly at home. They encouraged people to think about their own travel needs and provided personalised travel information and advice that is specific to them.

To support people in making new travel choices, our travel advisors offered leaflets, timetables, local information, tailored journey plans and in some cases, discounts on bus and rail travel! We hope this will have helped residents try a new journey, by a sustainable mode of travel. That could be by walking, cycling, bus, train or car sharing.

Who are the PTP travel advisors?

Travel advisors are local people, just like you. Trowbridge Travel advisors

Where were the travel advisors working?

During the summer months (July – mid September 2014), travel advisors were working in residential areas in Chippenham, Salisbury and Trowbridge.   Travel advisors

Who got advice?

Selected areas of these towns saw residents offered information and incentives to encourage them to try a more sustainable mode of travel for some or more of their journeys. If you were not in one of these areas, you can use our online Journey Planner.

Does my local councillor know about this? 

All elected members were briefed on the project and the members for the wards directly involved received regular updates. Chippenham Travel Advisors

Who is paying for all this?

Wiltshire Council applied to central government via the Department for Transport’s Local Sustainable Transport fund, and was lucky enough to win funding to deliver this and a number of other projects across the county.


We welcome any comments, compliments or complaints to make sure we are getting it right.

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Tel: 01225 771688