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Cut your costs

Cut your costs Getting around on the road

Cut your costs

In Wiltshire, cars are an essential means of transport for many of us, but that doesn’t mean we can’t use them more effectively.

  • Have a look at our smarter driving tips to reduce fuel usage.
  • Find someone to share your car journeys and cut your fuel and parking costs.
  • Consider purchasing a more fuel-efficient vehicle. Electric vehicles have very low running costs and help cut air pollution in Wiltshire’s towns.
  • Motorcycles and mopeds can have cheaper running costs but look out for newer, more efficient vehicles. Advanced driver training can help cut your fuel costs as well as keep you safe.
  • Think about reducing the number of cars in your household. Joining a car club or occasional car hire can be cheaper than running a car if your mileage is low.
  • Think about replacing part of your journey with walking or cycling. Park further from your destination to include some walking, or take a folding bike in your car and cycle the last leg of your journey.
  • Improve your driving skills with driver training.
  • Older drivers and newly qualified drivers can get cheaper driver training through Wiltshire Council.
  • If you’re travelling to Salisbury, use the Park & Ride. If you are travelling anywhere else in the county, you could try using our journey planner to see if there’s an alternative solution.
  • Try to combine trips into one e.g. you could pick up your shopping on the way home from work.
  • Encouraging your children to cycle, walk or take the bus to school can help you cut down on your driving and avoid congestion. For younger children ask your school about walking buses, or try to find neighbours so you can take turns escorting the children.

Cycling and walking are the cheapest forms of transport and they can help you get in shape and stay healthy. For shorter journeys, cycling can often be quicker and more reliable than the car. For some longer journeys, taking the train can cut journey times.


Eco driving tips

Smarter driving can help you cut your fuel consumption by up to 15%.

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Low-tax cars

Some cars are eligible for lower, or even no road tax at all.

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