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Wiltshire Council’s ‘Big Bike Breakfast’ on Cycle to Work Day

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Wiltshire Council’s ‘Big Bike Breakfast’ on Cycle to Work Day

04 Sep 2014

On 4th September, national Cycle to Work day came to Wiltshire Council, where Connecting Wiltshire and Sustrans organised an event as part of Britain’s Biggest Bike Breakfast.

At the council offices in Trowbridge and Chippenham, any employee who cycled in or had signed up to the Connecting Wiltshire Travel Challenge, could claim a delicious breakfast and get travel information on local walking and cycling routes.

The Trowbridge County Hall canteen was buzzing with people taking part and it was brilliant to see so many people choosing to travel in a healthier, greener way. One gentleman had cycled all the way from Bristol – nearly 30 miles! Another lady had cycled with her children to school before carrying on to get to work.

If you’re interested in cycling to work, why not check out our journey planner for good routes. You can also sign up to the Connecting Wiltshire Travel Challenge, which is running for the whole of September, and be in with a chance to win some fantastic prizes.