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Pedal power for staff at Good Energy

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Pedal power for staff at Good Energy

09 Mar 2015

Staff at renewable energy company, Good Energy took delivery of two folding bikes this week, their prize for winning the Connecting Wiltshire Travel Challenge. The challenge saw workplaces from across the county compete to clock up the most journeys made by walking, cycling, public transport and car sharing throughout the month.

Chippenham based business Good Energy won its category (medium sized workplace) and bagged £300 to spend on pool bikes. The bikes, bought from Trowbridge and Bath Bike Workshop, are lightweight and foldable so that staff can use them to cycle to meetings instead of driving.

Ed Coleman, Sustrans Active Travel champion at Good Energy said, “Staff can use them to pop out on their lunch break to go to the shops, for a ride around the area and for business trips. If they catch the train to Bristol or London, they can cycle from the station to the meeting location. Even Juliet Davenport, our CEO, has been spotted using one to get to meetings.”

Good Energy was set up to cut carbon emissions and encouraging staff to use pedal power is one way to support this aim, with travel being one of the largest sources of emissions in the UK. The Connecting Wiltshire Personal Travel Planning programme is run in partnership with leading transport charity, Sustrans and the scheme works with businesses around the county to help them increase the number of employees travelling to work by walking, cycling, public transport and car-sharing.