Cycle path officially opened
31 Jan 2018You can now cycle or walk safely between Bulford and Amesbury after the final phase of a new shared pedestrian and cycle path was completed.
Previously there was no footway alongside Salisbury Road, meaning pedestrians travelling to Solstice Park had to walk along the unsurfaced verge and cyclists had to mix with the traffic. We have been working with Sustrans and Bulford Parish Council to create the new route.
Bridget Wayman, cabinet member for highways, said: “This is an important path for both cyclists and pedestrians, and we know it will be well-used. I would like to say a special thanks to Lincoln College and its tenant Mr Rowland, and the MOD and its tenant Mr Hoppe for their co-operation with the project.”
The main part of the path was constructed in 2016. Due to the discovery of unmapped utilities in the area the second phase of the scheme was delayed until 2017.
We funded the majority of the work, with additional funding from developers’ contributions from Tesco and the Ministry of Defence. The new path runs over land owned by Lincoln College Oxford and a local farmer, Mr Rowland.
Bulford Parish Council have campaigned for the path, and have created a volunteer rota to pick up litter on the path.
The project will make it easy to walk and cycle between Bulford and Amesbury. This will:
- Make it easier and safer for children and young people to walk and cycle to Stonehenge School and Solstice Park from Bulford.
- Make it easier and safer for people to walk and cycle to work in Solstice Park and Amesbury.
- To reduce the growth in car use in the village by creating an alternative to driving along Salisbury Road.
- Provide a leisure route for walkers, runners, cyclists and wheelchair/disabled scooter users.
- Close a gap on National Cycle Route 45 between Salisbury and Swindon.
Did you know?
- On average, cyclists live two years longer than non-cyclists.
- Regular cyclists are as fit as an average person 10 years younger.
- Pupils who walk or cycle to school arrive brighter and more ready to learn than those who arrive by car.
- Cyclists breathe in less pollution from traffic than car drivers.
- A regular cycle commuter saves the economy £208 every year through reduced congestion and pollution.
- Cycling can help to tackle climate change. In the south west, transport accounts for 28% of CO2 emissions with road transport dominating that total.
- Around 40% of emissions come from journeys under 10 miles.