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Campaign launched to provide school-children with free cycle helmets in Salisbury

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Campaign launched to provide school-children with free cycle helmets in Salisbury

23 Feb 2017

A CAMPAIGN has been launched to provide free cycle helmets to children in Salisbury schools.

The initiative, by Glenside Healthcare Services and Stonehenge Cycles, is entitled ‘Use your head – wear a helmet!’ and aims to promote safe cycling.

A spokesman for Glenside which is based in South Newton said: “Glenside decided to launch a campaign, working with Stonehenge Cycles, to provide cycle helmets to local schools participating in the Bikeability Training course, managed by Wiltshire Council.”

Bikeability is the government-approved National Standards for Cycle Training, which teaches school pupils in Year 6 the necessary skills to ride confidently on today’s roads.

Cycling injuries are rare in England with around one injury for every 19,230 hours cycled. Rural roads are higher risk than urban areas, and boys are more likely to be injured than girls. The most common cause of a fatal collision is either the cyclist or a motorist failing to look properly. Children are particularly prone to incidents where they move from the pavement/cycle path into the road.

Luke Griggs of brain injury charity Headway said: “Cycling is a fabulous way to keep fit and active. At Headway, we are passionate about promoting safe cycling, while supporting calls to make it safer for people of all ages to take to their bikes and get pedalling.

“Sadly, however, we know too well of the devastating effects a brain injury can have and a number of people we support sustained their injuries through cycling accidents. This is why we encourage cyclists of all ages and experience to wear helmets, particularly vulnerable road users such as children who do not possess the same level of competency as adults.”

Schools wishing to organise Bikeability training courses can do so by contacting Wiltshire Council road safety team on 01225 701970, or email